Signing Your Child Out
If you would like to sign your child out from school throughout the school day, you are asked to follow these procedures:
Come to the main office to sign out your child - we do not release children without an adult present
If you are sending someone other than a guardian, they must be on the emergency contact list and may have to provide ID
If you would like your child to walk home, you are asked to provide ADVANCE written consent (email sent to and homeroom teacher). To ensure the Student is dismissed at the preferred time, the Parent must also phone the school at the designated time of dismissal to have them signed out, as the Student may be with a Teacher other than the Homeroom Teacher.
Inform your child’s teacher via email 24 hours in advance if your child is being picked up throughout the day so they can plan accordingly
Please avoid pick up during nutrition breaks and 15 minutes prior to the end of the day - it is a very busy time and can be challenging to locate your child when they are outdoors for recess. You can check the class and break times on the Website.
If there is an emergency, please call the main office at 905-469-6119
Please be patient with the main office staff - they are managing over 700 students
Student Absence Procedure (for detailed instructions, please refer to ABSENCE REPORTING under the Parent Info Tab on the Homepage)
All absences are to be reported via School Messenger/Safe Arrival. Please refer to Absence reporting procedures, located under the Parent Info Tab on the West Oak Website. Please note that SAME DAY absences must be reported before 9am. After 9am, please contact the school to report the absence 905-469-6119